What Causes Foot Pain?

Any somewhat active person can commonly develop pain in the ball of the foot. This area, usually described as the part of the foot just before where the toes begin, sees a lot of pressure during the walking cycle. When combined with problems with ones foot structure and foot shape, this pressure can cause pain and other issues. This article will discuss some of these problems, as well as the treatment options available to provide relief from the pain. Clinical examination and a detailed history allow diagnosis. X-rays are often not required but can help to evaluate the extent of the deformity and the degree of arthritis within the joint. The most common cause of heel pain and heel spurs is a condition called Plantar Fasciitis. This is Latin for inflammation of the Plantar Fascia. The Plantar Fascia is the broad band of fibrous tissue that runs under the foot and that forms your arch. Because of a number of different factors the plantar fascia are being overly stretched and this continuous pulling results in inflammation and pain at the heel bone, at the point where the ligaments insert into the heel bone. Wear properly fitting footwear at all times. Ideally, shoes should have low heels (not more than 1 inch high), thick soles and a wide, high toe box. Short Description Ball of the foot pain is often misdiagnosed. An injury of the plantar plate is common and can require surgery if not addressed quickly. This article will help you understand this injury and encourages you to seek advice of a podiatrist if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. Fortunately, there are several ways to deal with metatarsalgia. One quick remedy is to apply cold to the inflamed area. Something as simple as crushed ice wrapped in a kitchen towel can be used. Maintain the cold to the area for twenty minutes, repeating the treatment throughout the day, until the swelling begins to subside. Foot care experts recommend the exercises for plantar fasciitis shown below in addition to the use of orthotic shoe inserts to ease pain in the heels caused by plantar fasciitis due to excess pronation. You must be aware that these plantar fasciitis exercises should not cause you pain, but rather a stretching feeling. Each exercise should be done 2 or 3 times over the course of the day; these exercises should not necessarily be done in one session. Functional foot orthotic devices '" People with high arches suffer from supination, and those with flat feet suffer from over-pronation, and this device can correct these defects.ball of foot pain running Use insoles, metatarsal pads or arch supports in your shoes. Several over the counter options are available. Insoles act as shock absorbers, metatarsal pads deflect pressure away from the ball of the foot, and arch supports assist by reinforcing the arch, thereby relieving pressure on the metatarsal bones. Custom made orthotics may be necessary for your particular foot, but these are expensive and it may be worth trying ready-made orthotics first. Adjust the fit of your shoes Podiatrycare.com points out that as you get older, your feet may get longer and wider. It's a good idea to have your foot sized each time you purchase shoes say experts. Not if you did not want one. Many of these procedures are performed perfectly safely under local anaesthetic (you are awake). Some patients worry that they may feel pain during the operation but it would not be possible to perform the operation if this were the case. We often perform these procedures at our surgical suite over at the Gridley Building location, where often times these procedures are done within 30 minutes, and you leave right then in a surgical shoe with the dressing applied immediately after the procedure is completed. You can also alter your behavior. If you are currently doing a lot of running and jumping, you can switch to low-impact exercises, such as swimming or cycling. When at rest, get into the habit of putting your feet up to relieve the pressure. Exercising your ankle and stretching the Achilles tendon eases symptoms for some people. Normally, as you are walking, your big toe will be the first to reach where you are going. With Morton's foot however, it is the second toe that hits first. It suffers more ligament disruption and tends to bang into things. It is actually also not as strong as the big toe. The best way to deal with this kind of foot pain is to attempt to fix it while the problem is still not as serious as it can get. When you start feeling pain under your feet on a consistent basis then it's time to go check it out and see exactly what is going on. It may be a false alarm but you simply cannot take the risk of not knowing for sure. It is better to be safe than sorry as many people say. There are some excellent resources online for learning stretches and strengthening exercises for bulging discs, including a free course I offer at my websiteball of foot pain